The Power of Play

Beyond the fun and games, play is essential to a child’s health and development. It helps build important social-emotional, cognitive, language and self-regulation skills. And when parents play with their children, they help create the safe, stable and nurturing relationships kids need to thrive.

  • Prioritize Hands-On Play

    Play is essential when it comes to your child’s health and development. Look for toys that inspire imaginative, open-ended thinking and can be used in different ways to grow with your child.

  • Enjoy Screen-Free Time

    Limit screen time to no more than 1 hour per day of high-quality programming for children ages 2-5; For children younger than 2, media use should be very limited. It’s best when an adult is standing by to co-view, talk, and teach.

  • Interact & Connect Through Play

    Your child learns best from you! Use play as an opportunity to talk, read, and sing with your children, all of which will build their vocabularies, reduce stress, create connections, and develop foundational skills for learning.